"The Value of life is not in it's durtion. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because how effective you live."
- Myles Munroe

About Us

The Helping Hand Caritable Trust

The Helping Hand Caritable Trust is working on bringing old aged people to old age homes. old age homes are specially created for old aged people whoes family memeber don't care for them. During this pandemic, we also have worked for children who have lost their parents due to covid-19. We have provided the children with education and food.

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Our Services

Working Events

Education For Needy children

We provided education for children who have lost their parents in the pandemic.

Home For The Needy

We provided home to many children and old age people who lost their parents and their loved ones due to the pandemic.


We have networked with many people to help us in this good cause. Many valunteers have joined us physically or by donating.

Medical Helping

During this pandemic stituation we have helped many needy people with medical support.

Creating Awareness Among People

We took many awareness drive in rural area for educating people about the covid 19 spread and precautions to be taken.


We have collected donation from people and helped the needy through various mode.

Food Donation

We have donated food to many needy people who have suffered in the current stituation of pandemic.


We have donated charity to many needy people who have suffered in the current stituation of pandemic.

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“We must give more in order to get more. It is the
generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.”